Östra Glänne 1:166
Glänne Baptistkapell
Bilden tagen:
Övre bilden: Göran Eriksson
Nedre bilden: Leif Ericsson
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Mer om Glänne Kapell i FRYKERUD I, sid 94
På Bethel Seminarys, S:t Paul, Minnesota, hemsida
kan man läsa följande om Glänne Kapell:
"Historical Sites In Sweden
Glanne Kapell (Chapel)
This is the brick meeting house where Per Nilsson baptized over 350 converts in the revivals of 1877 and 1888. The congregation grew to over 400 but then was decimated by immigration to America. Many from Glanne Kapell came to Ogema, WI and formed the Swedish Baptist Church there.
Glanne Kapell is on Highway 45 the main north south road in Western Sweden. 8 km north of the intersection with Highway 61 which is the main east-west road.
The community is Frykerud."